Sunday, February 22, 2015

Seedling One: My, oh my, how it grows!

As mentioned in a previous post, once my first seedling was ready to be planted, it really took off!

Below is a day-by-day of the first week to show you just how FAST this little guy grew!

Day 1: Planting. This is immediately after I planted my sprout in soil.

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

Day 6:

At the end of week one, this little sprout had almost topped my bucket I have him in! Unfortunately I made a stupid mistake on day 6. Do you see how wet the soil is?

It had been getting into the 70s during the day, and we were going out of town for the weekend. So I figured a little extra water would be okay - since it was getting so warm during the day, I knew a lot of it would evaporate.

Bad news. While we were out of town - a cold front blew through and dropped the weather back down to 30, so the water never evaporated. Instead, it just sat there, all weekend.  When we came home, I got as much excess moisture out as I could without losing all my soil. I had used dirt from the yard, and since it was pouring outside I was in no condition to find dry, warm soil. 

A couple of it's little leaves broke off, but we'll see if it recovers! Here's to hoping!

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