Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How To: Grow A Peach Tree From Seed, part 3

When I left off last time, my seed #1 got planted and was growing pretty fast!

Unfortunately since water ended up sitting for too long in the bucket, some of the tiny leaves came off, but D assures me that once the soil dries up, it'll be totally fine! Here's to hoping!

As for groups 2 and 3, they continued to grow in their plastic baggies for another week. 

For the seeds in group two that still have seed coats, their growth is slow and pretty unnoticeable to me. However, for the seeds in group two that were growing mold (that I then pulled the seed coats off of) have grown FAST. It really seems like pulling that seed coat off speeds up the germination process.

(group 2, seed-coat-less after molding)

(group 3, seed coat-less from the start)

As you can tell, the seeds in group 2 seem to be growing much faster than those in group three. I'm not sure if the seed just gets more nutrients that way, or what? But, those remaining in group 2 with seed coats have not budged. 

After just a little less than another week, I took these (Feb 20, 2015) all of those in group two with no seed coat were ready to be planted! As well as just a couple from group 3!

(group 2: look at those roots!)

(group 3: only a couple are ready!)

As you can tell, the roots on group 2's are longer, and they're much more ready for planting than group 3. Plus, a few more of the seeds in group two started getting mold, so away came their seed coats. Only one has the whole seed coat on now, and there has been no noticeable change in it.

I planted all four of the seeds in group two that were ready. Once I get more room on my windowsill, I will plant the remaining ones! Until then, they sit in the window. So far this makes 10 growing seeds out of the 20 I started with. (I did mention I broke several just trying to figure out HOW to break into the peach pits, right?)

We'll see how fast the rest of these sprout, and hopefully I didn't kill my first seed! 

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