Saturday, April 25, 2015

Owning ducklings!

To start simply, my ducks hate me. They scream and cry whenever I want to pick them up so I can clean their pen or take them for a swim. They just hate being touched.

We've had them for about a week now and today is their first time away from our chicks.

We had a crawfish boil not too long ago and for it our friends lent us their kiddie pools that their toddler uses. Well several weeks later its still at our house so I thought, "why not take the ducks fkr a swim?"

Today I the first clear and sunny day we've had in about a month, so I wanted aNY excuse to stay outdoors! The rain has been miserable! We haven't been able to plant our garden because its too muddy. Hopefully itll dry out enough so we cam plant! Everything is begging to get in the ground.

Anyway, back to the ducks. First I had to get them out of the pen, and boy do they love to run from me. After about ten minutes I got them both out and off to screaming they went. I set them down in the kiddie pool and they kicked and screamed and whined. They continued on with their tantrum until they realized they were in water.

Then it was fun time. From dunking their heads to swimming in circles, they were content.

I did leave the water shallow enough that they could stand so they could rest.

All in all, they're finally happy c:

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